
Frequently Asked Questions

We Help Professionals 35-65 years in Montreal Keep Active & Mobile, Without Painkillers, Scary Injections, or Frequent Visits To The Doctor...So They Can Feel Young, Strong, And Powerful!

Don't see a particular question on our list?

Feel free to email us at or call our support line at 514-737-7246.

Our hours are: Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 12pm-8pm, and Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-4pm.

Welcome and thanks for trusting us with your health! Please give us a call or SMS at (514) 737-7246 to speak with us concerning your condition and all the details involved with working together.

If you are covered for Physiotherapy or Osteopathy services, then yes you can claim a portion of your treatments through insurance. Please understand our main role to you as a valued client is to ensure we give you the most accurate and precise recommendation on how to manage your problem in the best way possible. That’s a great reason why we recommend you start with a Discovery Visit!

As we are a busy and professional health provider – we require that ALL clients accept and agree to our change/cancellation policy – as failure to attend scheduled appointments not only disrupts your treatment progress but
also takes the spot of another client who may have been able to attend in your place. 

If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment we require 48hrs notice – otherwise a cancellation fee equal to the FULL COST of the visit will be charged – no exceptions.

We help professionals 35-65yrs in Montreal keep active and mobile, without painkillers, scary injections, or frequent visits to the doctor…So they can feel young, strong, and powerful!

Absolutely, we use hi-tech computer software and footplate scanning technology called GaitScan™. This allows us to evaluate foot biomechanics and function and recommend custom foot orthotics as needed. Along with specific recommendations from our professional team, orthotics may help manage foot and ankle, knee, hip and lower back problems. Also, they can impact the ease of movement and lower total energy spent walking and running that leads to better wellness and body balance.
Yes, absolutely! We can do both pre-operative screenings and/or prepare a personalized post-operative rehabilitation program. Get in touch with us at (514) 737-7246 and we can discuss specifics for your individual needs.
During your initial visit we will do a full consultation to better understand what seems to be the issue. This involves getting to know precisely what is bothering you, perform specific tests for us to diagnose the issue, and discuss with you what outcome you desire so we can provide specific recommendations so we can best work together to get the results you need. We also regularly track your progress to ensure we are meeting treatment goals and will make changes and provide suggestions as needed. As everyone has different goals and each issue may be slightly variable we provide individualized recommendations that suit your needs and problem. To find out if we are a good fit for each other you can book a FREE Discovery Visit or call us at (514) 737-7246

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