
Who is Montreals Leading Health Clinic Founder Misha Price?

Misha is the Founder of Physicentrix. Over the years 1000’s of people have consulted his clinic looking for answers to concerning questions about their physical problems. During that time, he has worked with Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, and Medical Doctors.

He has also consulted with professionals that work with, and among, the top 5% of clinics within Canada, USA, England, Australia, and New Zealand. From those intimate connections he and the team have developed unique programs, systems, and frameworks that form the foundation of Physicentrix. This equates to exceptional healthcare training and development that delivers quality service and results.

Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Misha moved to Montreal to pursue studies in Neuroscience at McGill University. During his fourth year a ski trip to Panorama, BC turned into a harrowing experience. In a daring attempt on the slopes, he broke his femur, abruptly shifting from peak physical condition to confinement within a hospital room.

The drastic change plunged him into a state of frustration and self-directed anger, compounded by the evident concern of friends and family. It marked Misha’s first experience with physical therapy, a journey that spanned nearly a year to get back to normal.

Want Help to Decide if Physio is Right For You?

We understand that you may want to know more about the Cost and Availability of our unique, highly structured, researched based programs that get you back to feeling young, strong, and powerful. Just click the button below to get started!

Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form.

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our discovery visits. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

This ordeal left a lasting impression on Misha, fueling a determination to ensure others do not endure similar struggles. Resuming his passions for skiing and soccer after the accident brought a renewed appreciation for life, especially moments shared with his son Bradley and his spouse during bike rides, gym sessions, and beach vacations.

It was this transformative experience that inspired him to establish Physicentrix, with the aim of motivating other people in Montreal to keep active and mobile, without painkillers, scary injections or multiple visits to the doctor.

Drawing from his own encounter with the public healthcare system’s shortcomings, Misha empathizes with the frustration of enduring lengthy waits for consultations, only to receive inadequate solutions that only offer temporary relief.

This disillusionment with conventional approaches, such as cortisone shots and medications with annoying side effects, ignited his determination to offer more enduring and valuable solutions. Misha promises a client-centric approach that emphasizes trust, transparent communication, realistic expectations, and effective results. He pledges to clarify the treatment process, ensuring clients properly understand their problems and are encouraged to be active participants in getting back to feeling young, strong, and powerful again!

Through his own journey of recovery, Misha embodies the resilience that characterizes the approach to healthcare at Physicentrix. With each client, his team aims to instil a sense of hope and confidence, guiding them toward a future filled with renewed vigour and wellness. 

Here is our mission to you: We help professionals 35-65yrs keep active and mobile, without painkillers, scary injections or multiple visits to the doctor. So you can get back to feeling young, strong, and powerful!

If you’d like to speak to a professional before making an appointment, click the button below to complete a short form and a member of the team will contact you ASAP!

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